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Conquering my fears one cough drop at a time

Thursday, June 15 and Friday, June 16 I was out of the office due to the delicious tasting cuy and my stomach not agreeing. However, while I was away from the office, I was assigned to lead and present a presentation at the Disinfection Workshop conducted by Codeinse, LGWI's partner, which was held today, June 20. If you know me, one: I am terrified of public speaking, and two: I am a sophomore mechanical engineering student. I do not have any knowledge about disinfection of water, and being honest, I am not a good public speaker.

Over the weekend, I simply tried to forgot about what was planned for me for the next week and focused on getting better. Monday rolled around, and the whole day was spent preparing and creating the powerpoint to present. I left the office late Monday night stressed and overwhelmed. Waking up early Tuesday morning to curl my hair and get ready, I didn't have a voice. My throat hurt, and I could hardly swallow. After drinking some tea for breakfast, I unwrapped a cough drop, placed it in my mouth and was off for the day.

Arriving at the office on the start of a pretty bad day, I was trying to make the most of it and enjoy the opportunity that was given to me. Upon arriving at Colta, the government building where the worksop took place, I was nervous and did not believe in myself. Not only did I have to present on a subject I had just taught myself the night before through several website articles, but I had to present in Spanish. Praying the whole drive there for peace, comfort, and really that I wouldn't have to present, we arrived and I felt complete peace. While shaking all of the local community members hands and welcoming them, I was excited to share my knowledge with them, and in the long run, educate them. Now I can gauruntee my Spanish was not correct, however I tried my best, and gained so much knowledge and experience from the process. Thank you for whoever assigned me this opportunity.

Not only did I present a portion of the presentation on the importance of disinfection but lead a taste test of agua with different concentrations of chlorine. Stepping back a bit, the importance of this workshop was to educate and inform the members of several communities how chlorine disinfection works, what it tastes like, and the general question, why disinfect.

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